Our worship times on Sundays are 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. (Children's Church available), and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Our Thursday service is held in the Chapel. We invite you attend one of our Sunday Services in person or watch our live stream service by clicking on the picture below.

Livestream begins Christmas Eve at 9:00 P.M.

Click Here To View/Download the Order of Worship

Click here to see other Worship Services
and Sunday School Videos.

 Welcome To The Saint James Website
Click   to Start/Stop

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"For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Ephesians 4:10)

We’d like to thank all of you who made your financial commitment to St. James for 2025. If you would still like to make a pledge, you can send in your card, or contact the church via email office@stjames-leesburg.org, or 352-787-1981.
for 2025 are now available for pick up in the Parish Hall.
Thank you for your generosity!

You can  complete your Pledge Card online!
Click here to fillout your Pledge Card

 Our Mission
Saint James seeks to be a community that grows more Christ like, expressing the love of Jesus Christ in our worship, our outreach, and our commitment to discipleship.
Giving to Saint James and Stewardship.

 The Messenger Our Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read the current Messenger:  January 2025
Click here to read past issues:  Past Messengers

We are in the process of updating our mailing list for the Messenger. Currently, the Messenger is sent out by both postal mail and parish-wide email. Copies are available in the church that may be picked up. We are aiming to streamline our mailing list for those who wish to continue receive the Messenger by postal mail. If you would like to be kept on our list, please send us an email letting us know. Click here to send us and email office@stjames-leesburg.org

Annual Parish Meeting January 19, 2025
Please mark your calendars for the 138th Annual Parish Meeting which will take place on Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at 11:30 am in the Parish Hall. We will review key events from 2024, confirm our budget, elect four new vestry members, and look forward to what God has in store for us in 2025. We are in the process of taking Vestry nominations. If you would like to be nominated, or have someone to nominate, please contact our Vestry Nominating Committee, or Fr. Tom. Members of our Nominating Committee are: David Knowles, Drew Logan, Mackie McCabe, and Linda Weekley.

Qualifications for vestry nomination are:
Communicant in Good Standing at St. James;
No less than 18 years old;
Faithful in religious attendance;
Financial supporter of record to the general parish budget;
No spouse serving concurrently on the vestry.
Click here to read the Bio's on the current Nominee's in the January Messenger Bio's start on page 5.


Please join us on Friday, January 17th at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall for a fun evening of dancing and fellowship. The tickets are $10.00 per person. Water will be provided, but everyone is encouraged to bring a refreshment. For more information, please contact the church office: 352-787-1981.

We are Updating our Membership Database

If you are a current member of St. James or would like to become a member please download and complete the membership form, bring it to the office or give it to Bob Tindell.
Click here to download the form.

We’ll look at the words and deeds of Jesus from each Sunday’s Gospel lesson with fun, interactive activities.

Coffee and Philosophy
Join Fr. Tom in this informal weekly discussion group that covers a myriad of subjects in the areas of philosophy, theology, and Scripture. The format is open ended with no pre-set agenda. Everyone is welcome to attend and address whatever topic they would like. Discussion is respectful of divergent opinions.
We meet every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at The Coffee Snob in Leesburg (1101-1 W. North Street, next to Ollie’s).
To see some of the subjects previously discussed, Click here.

Invite - Welcome - Connect Update

Connecting Newcomers to St James
Connecting is the process of making Newcomers feel like they belong. At St James our process involves the following:
*Contacting them,
*Being available to them
*Helping them see where they fit in within St James
*And, Tracking their status

Bob Tindall has prepared and  is presenting the 3-part series,
“The History of St. James - February 6th
"Why We Do What We Do” (A look at the Liturgy) - February 23rd
"Missions and Ministries at St. James" - March 2nd
Bob has also put together a small group of people, called “Liaison” to St. James. These Liaisons make first contact, via the mail. This small group could certainly welcome growth. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact Bob Tindall at (717) 575-3092. walruselecta@gmail.com

Ministries at Saint James

Saint James seeks to be a community that grows more Christ like, expressing the love of Jesus Christ in our worship, our outreach, and our commitment to discipleship.
If you feel the need to help us in our outreach, discipleship or any of our ministries click on this link Ministry Catalog to view and/or download the catalog, find the ministry that fills your need to help and contact the parishioner that leads that ministry.

Saint James Tee & Polo Shirts

We have been asked to have an option for women's 3/4 sleeve polo shirts. These are now available for $30. If any woman who has submitted a new order in the last few weeks wants to switch to 3/4 sleeves, please contact me directly via email, call, or text. Snowbirds. If you would like to order shirts to have when you return (and pay for then too), please contact Marc Crouch via email crouch.marc@yahoo.com to order the shirts or download the order form and give it to Marc.
Click here to download the order form. As a reminder, payment is due when you pick up the shirts.

Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women and girls in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion who are dedicated to prayer, service, and evangelism.
Saint James Daughters of the King welcomed Sue Greenwood

St James Episcopal Church Women Events

Chapter Meetings January 21st
St. Anne’s in the Parish Hall
St. Francis’ in the St. Nicholas House, both at 10 a.m.
St. Cecilia’s in the Parish Hall at 3:45. Please join us.


6:00 PM: Doors Open;
Silent Auction Begins;
Complimentary Appetizer
Beverages Available for Donation

It's hard to believe, but the ECW Grand Auction is one month away! Be sure to mark you calendar for this wonderful evening. At this point, we need you to do three things: (1) Pray for the success of this huge fundraiser for ECW's Outreach Programs.
(2) Consider donating something for either the Silent Auction or Live Auction.
(5) Buy your ticket. Tickets are $5, and are available after both Services each Sunday in January.
If you are considering a donation, you will need to speak with Bob Tindall since not all items are suitable for this type of auction. You may contact him via email, phone or text: walruselect@gmail.com or (717) 575-3092. All sorts of things are being donated: various baskets; gift cards; dinners; wine tasting; dance lessons; vacation get-aways.
Click here for more information about St James ECW.

Ronald McDonald House Outreach
We hope that all our faithful “tab pullers” have survived the two back-to-back storms without too much stress and damage. Arnold Palmer House is grateful for each tab you pulled as you saw on YouTube in October. Our message is “Keep Pulling” and many thanks!

10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

St James is part of the Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called  Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.
Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
After being matched with a person experiencing a life crisis, the Stephen Minister meets with that person on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support, as long as the need for care exists.
Stephen Ministry training is typically offered once a year. The next session starts in the Fall, starting September 16, 2023. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact either:
Bob Tindall (717) 575-3092 walruselect@gmail.com
Sherry Lash (706) 614-0290 sblash@protonmail.com

Those desiring to offer flowers for any service – either in Memory of Loved Ones or in Thanksgiving, please contact Bonnie Binneveld @ 352-255-1658. On behalf of ECW, Bonnie will handle the monthly calendar for Altar and Madonna flowers. Then it is up to the donor to contact a local florist and make arrangements. They should bill you directly, not St. James. You can also reserve the Altar candle for $5.00.

Please Stay Tuned  
For future updates about Worship times, and for other opportunities to reach out to those in need, If you have any questions, call us at 352-787-1981,
or email: office@stjames-leesburg.org

   Drive-By Food Drive

St. James ECW is sponsoring an on going “Drive-By” Food Drive,
on behalf of the Leesburg Food Bank
on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
Thank you for your generous donations!

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