The Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order of women dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism.
Each day the Daughters pray for those on the St. James prayer list and others in need of prayer.
The Daughters at St. James, known as the Martha and Mary Chapter meet monthly for Bible Study and
discussions, and to exchange ideas for enhancing the worship life of the Church.
The Daughters of the King will be completing their series on Evangelism with Father Ron's presentation,
A Plan for Evangelism That Really Works. We have been fortunate to have had Nancy Boyer re-view her travels
along the paths of St. Paul through her trip to Greece and her recent book. Father Tom inspired us through
scripture, pointing out that our duty as Chris-tians is to follow Christ, and to work, pray and give for
the spread of the kingdom of God.
The St. James Men’s Club continues to sponsor social events for men and boys of the Church and their guests,
including an annual Steak Out Dinner and a Fish Fry, while striving to expand its opportunity to assist the
Parish in a variety of ministries and activities, as needed. In addition, the club sponsors an annual Pig Roast,
which is open to the entire parish and their guests, and is one of the social highlights of the year.
Operation Home Bound provides hot meals to those who are homebound, five days a week, year round,
including all holidays. Meals are prepared at the Operation Home Bound Center at North Lake Presbyterian Church
in Lady Lake. A team of dedicated members of St. James delivers the meals to Church members and other shut-ins in
the Leesburg area.
The St. James Altar Guild is an organization of women who are dedicated to preparing the altar and sanctuary
for each worship service. Each of the four teams serves on a given week each month, which includes its important
role in preparation for weddings, funerals and other special services.
Altar Guild members are unsung heroes in assuring that the worshipful experience can be fully appreciated by
those who attend services at St. James.
The mission of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is to empower women
to do Christ’s ministry in the world. It is not an easy challenge to deal with women from such diverse
lifestyles, circumstances, and preferences as exist at St. James, but our journey embraces a vision for
ALL women of St. James to become a vibrant blend for all ages and to recognize the beauty of coming
together to support and strengthen friendships while sharing the love of Christ. Members belong to
specific chapters that meet monthly and a general meeting of all chapters is also held monthly.
Meetings include Bible study, special programs related to a theme that is selected annually,
planning for fundraising events and discussion of the business of the organization.
For more than 50 years St. James’ ECW has sponsored an Annual Fall Bazaar. The money raised at
this and other events is donated to various projects within the diocese, nation, or world
Have you considered your Parish Library as an avenue for extending your fainth and discovering more about theology and new
or classic books on the subjects of reigion and Christian living?
The librarian could use your help in choosing new books, reading and reviewing books and DVD's in our collection,
giving book talks during Sunday school sessions, or even reading to our youth groups from their collection.
Perhaps you might like to simply "man" the library on a Thursday morning (9 a.m. to Noon) when the librarian is missing,
or help the librarian perpare books for shelving.
If you haven't visited your parish library, it is a pleasent haven in Room 6 of the Sunday school complex, open to all
parish members for either meditation, counseling or finding a great book to read.
Thanks for considering this ministry, Margaret Branham, P.L., 352-787-5893